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General Disclaimer

The CTMPO Web site is intended to provide a public service to the community, visitors, potential business owners, and any others who may be interested in transportation planning. This website will be an essential tool in providing information to people concerning transportation planning activities. Federal transportation planning funds will be used to pay for this service. The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) requires Metropolitan Planning Organizations to publish and make available for public review transportation plans and reports in electronically accessible formats and means, such as the world wide web.

All reasonable measures are taken to ensure quality and accuracy of the information presented here. However, due to the possibility of unauthorized modification of the data, transmission errors, HTML browser incompatibilities, changes made since the last update to the Web site, or other aspects of electronic communication that are beyond the CTMPO’s control, the CTMPO does not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided on its Web site and is not liable for reliance on this information. In using this Web site, you agree that its information and services are provided “as is, as available” without warranty, express or implied, and that you use this site at your own risk.

The information and data included on the CTMPO Web site have been compiled by City of Enid __ from a variety of sources, and are subject to change without notice. The CTMPO makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, or adequacy of such information and data. Official records always take precedence over information contained in this Web site. Before making a decision based on information from this Web site, follow up with a review of official records to assure accuracy.

If misleading, inaccurate, or otherwise inappropriate information is brought to our attention, a reasonable effort will be made to fix or remove it. Such concerns should be addressed to the Webmaster.

Links to Third Party Sites

The CTMPO’s Web site contains links to external Web sites of the CTMPO’s choosing to better support the needs of the community and visitors. Such sites are not owned, regularly reviewed, or controlled by the CTMPO, and their existence on the CTMPO’s Web site should not be construed as an endorsement / referral of these sites or their content by the CTMPO. The CTMPO will in no way be held responsible for the content of any such link, nor any misrepresentations or errors contained in such sites. Should you choose to follow a link to a different Web site, you will then be subject to the privacy policies of that Web site, if any.

External links will be limited to the following:

Official government sites or government-funded sites, including federal, state, and local.
Sites of non-government organizations that provide direct policy support or coordination to City of Enid departments.
Sites of organizations that primarily promote the economic welfare, tourism, volunteerism, and industry of Enid.
Sites of organizations that primarily provide educational, recreational, health, public safety, natural disaster, or weather information that may affect the CTMPO.
Sites that offer primarily informational or educational content that support the CTMPO’s programs and services at no cost to the user.
Sites operated by established and properly accredited institutions of learning.
Software vendors providing Web browser plug-ins needed to display information on the CTMPO’s Web site.
Web sites providing information which precludes the CTMPO from recreating or duplicating information and provides specific information supplementing that already provided on the CTMPO’s Web site.
The CTMPO specifically will not provide links to individual homepages, nor to external sites that:

Promote illegal activities.
Are political in nature.
Function as a public forum.
Contain information that violate the CTMPO’s policies.
It is the responsibility of organizations to which the CTMPO links on its Web site to provide updated link information when necessary. Links that are found to be no longer valid will be removed.

Linking may be requested by using the contact form. The request should describe the services provided by the requesting site, along with the required URL. The CTMPO Secretary or designee is the approving authority for requested links.

The CTMPO Secretary or designee is authorized to order removal of links at his discretion and choosing, in particular those that violate the adopted policy, as well as those that do not contain current, accurate, or trustworthy information, at any time and without notice.

External Web sites may link to the pages on the CTMPO’s Web site, as long as the CTMPO’s pages are not forced into the other site’s frameset, and the site:

Is not engaged in and does not promote illegal activity.
Does not contain pornographic, profane, or otherwise offensive material.
Has not previously been denied permission to link to us.
The CTMPO cannot be held responsible for information and opinions on sites that link to its site. Any link to our site should be a full forward link that passes the client browser to our site unencumbered. The CTMPO reserves the right to modify the code of its site to prevent hijacking of its pages.

Privacy Statement

General information about your computer that is transferred in the standard operations of the Internet is retained in the logs of this Web site, but no further effort is made to associate this information with any individual. This site does not regularly make use of cookies. The CTMPO will only collect information that you choose to voluntarily provide. Such personal information is not used for any commercial marketing purpose; it is used only to respond to requests for information and services, or to complete online transactions.

E-mail addresses obtained as a result of a request to the CTMPO Web site will not be sold or given to other private companies for marketing purposes. E-mail or other information requests sent to the CTMPO Web site may be maintained in order to respond to the request or to forward that request to the appropriate agency.

WARNING – Unauthorized attempts to upload information, change information or otherwise impede the delivery of services by and on CTMPO servers is strictly prohibited and may be punishable by law, including the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act. All evidence of criminal activity or information pertaining to such activity will be provided to law enforcement officials.

Some information that may be submitted through this site is protected by encryption technology. As a general rule, all personally identifiable information collected through this site is secured and restricted to only those employees who need to know it or to those employees who monitor the status of the computers, or who perform routine maintenance on our computers. The user of this Web site agrees by its site use that the CTMPO, its officials and employees will not be liable for any injury caused by the disclosure of your information, whether by security breach, accident, inadvertence, or any other act resulting in disclosure.


Site Comments

Communications sent via the Internet or through this Web site shall in no way be deemed to constitute legal notice to the LMPO or any of its officers, agents, or employees, where notice to the LMPO is required by any law, rule, regulation, or contract.


This site is Copyright © 2024 by the City of Enid, all rights reserved.

The City retains copyright on all content, including text, graphic images, photos, etc. No content on the City’s Web site may be copied, modified, re-used, distributed, and/or mirrored on a non-City server, nor may it be used in any other way that would violate the City’s copyright, without written permission from the City of Enid. Commercial use of the City’s Web material is also prohibited without written permission from the City.

Some content on the CTMPO’s Web site may be provided courtesy of third parties, who may retain copyright control of the provided material.

Any service marks and trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.


The CTMPO has strived to make this Web site available and accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate all users who utilize standards compliant Web browsers as well as enabling software or assistive devices. We realize making our information accessible to the widest possible audience is an ongoing effort, and we will continue to test and modify our Web pages for accessibility. If you have any questions or comments, or if you are unable to access any part of our Web site, please use the contact form to email the CTMPO.

Civil Rights

To view the CTMPO's policy on Civil Rights and Title VI, please visit this page.


The use of the CTMPO Web site indicates your unconditional acceptance of the above disclaimers and statements. You further agree that the CTMPO and its Staff have no liability for direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages with respect to the information, services, or content contained on or otherwise accessed through this Web site.


The CTMPO will comply with guidelines for recipients to include having written procedures for investigating Title VI complaints, investigations and lawsuits. The CTMPO shall inform the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) regional office of the filing of any such complaint within 60 days of the complaint. The CTMPO shall identify each complaint; the date the complaint was filed, and investigation completed; the disposition; and other pertinent information. The CTMPO shall include Title VI language in written agreements and shall monitor for compliance. The CTMPO further assuresthat every effort will be made to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether those programs and activities are federally funded or not.

401 West Owen K Garriott

Enid, OK 73701



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